Adding a Run Map Task

1. Click on the Tasks tab. 

Tasks Tab

2. Click the Add Task button to open the Map Task window. 

Map Task Window

3. Name – Enter a name for the task.  

4. Type – Select Run Integration, this will add additional fields to the window.  


5. Stage – Select which stage the processes will run. The options are: 

  • Integration Pre Tasks 
  • Integration Post Success Tasks 
  • Integration Post Failure Tasks 

6. Integration To Run – Select which integration the task will run.  

7. Checkboxes 

  • Use Data From Parent – If the data from the current map is to be used to run the map triggered by this task, check the Use Data from Parent checkbox. 
  • Use Parent Variables – If the variables from the current map are to be used when running the new map, check the Use Parent Variables checkbox. 
  • Show in New Tab – If the map triggered by this task should be displayed on the map progress window when running, click the Show in New Tab checkbox. 
  • Task Enabled – Use this checkbox to enable or disable the task. 

8. On Success – Select the required action if the send email task succeeds.  

  • Quit – Will halt map processing. 
  • Go to next step – Will continue to the next step in the map processing.  
  • Cancel processing – Will stop map processing but will not return an error to the user.  

9. On Failure – Select the required action if the send email task fails. 

  • Quit – Will halt map processing. 
  • Go to next step – Will continue to the next step in the map processing.  
  • Cancel processing – Will stop map processing but will not return an error to the user.  

10. Click Save to save the task and return to the Integration Process window.